Life-Long Marathons Of, For, and By Don and Stan

We are octogenarians
We're very proud to say
We've run our life-long marathons
With our youths so far away

We can't project how long we'll run
But will run with heads held high
We'll run until our race is done
'Cause we're those kind of guys

by Stan Cooper...10/22/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 678 times
Written on 2012-02-27 at 00:31

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I love your stuff, as I do Kens'. A different style to mine but great. We keep on going on. Maybe walking might be better, may be not, the Human race. Insanity bring it on.

*Applause* got to me, like a crossbow bolt==========>

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
You discouverd that life is a mathron , not a serous of sprints ,
You lookde around saw those silly sods runing sprints ,
You reaklsed the Aslops fable of the hare and the tortoise ,
You both , desided to fill your nose with the asromers all arouind you ,
Fill your eyes with what was all around you ,
Tallk , listan with your ears , Tall sense to those who would care ,
To hear , to listan , to you ,
As there were two you , you could be hear yet there ,
None the wiser as they ran at life in sprints ,
While the two of you rant with life in a marethan kind of way
Ken ( D Williams )