To Be Where They're Not

Some folks prefer to be where they're not
Disgruntled they are where they are
Wherever they're not is for sure their right spot
No matter how near or how far

To be somewhere else is what they require
They've really a strange demeanor
This need for change they always desire
To go where the grass is greener

To have what they haven't is what they prefer
They crave what they know's not available
Like having a dog who could like a cat purr
Or a cat whose bark was unbearable

Lusting for Cons when they're in with the Pros
Is their contradictory way
What makes them this way, who really knows
Perhaps it's their D N A

by Stan Cooper...2/25/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 765 times
Written on 2012-03-01 at 22:41

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Jalaj Soni
Almost EVERYONE wishes to be where they aren't

The other man's grass is always greener, no matter how much we water ours and apply nutrients to the soil.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
I think that I'm one of those people. I wish that I wasn't.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh to be where it is rather than be where it aint ,
I'll setal with what I have , what otgers have ,
I am not jelouse , not that enveouse of others ,
For I know what matters ,
I am quite gruntled
Ken ;)