Unintended Consequence

A prescribed anti-biotic
For a fiery toe infection
The cure was quite chaotic
Upon reasonable reflection

It did its job efficaciously
For that there's no complaint
But its consequence, confidentially
I wish had shown restraint

The side effects were miserable
And should be declared unlawful
But luckily were fixable
"Cause for four weeks they were awful

The unintended consequence was
Side effectual mayhem
What an anti-biotic sometimes does
Should humanely be condemned

by Stan Cooper...3/08/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 767 times
Written on 2012-03-12 at 00:58

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Buy one and get one or many free..is there anything in this world that doesn't have side effect? Even love has it right? Funny,realistic and easy to understand. Enjoyed. Thanks mr cooper :)

Funny how one thing leads to another, but not so funny from where you were sitting :) Hope all is well now Stan.

I'm chuckling, but I know of what you write and it ain't funny. Hey, you're rhyming in this is ace, and Don's drawing is too.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
That's what you get for testing the waters , Stan!! Glad that your pinky's better now. As they say: '' If it anint herting it (Medercatan) working ''.
Take care Stan.
Ken ( D Williams )

Lol :-) Sorry about the side effects, glad the toe got better! Love the sketch :-)