Once again, apologies to all my British friends...
This poem was written with cheek in tongue

British Royalty

Why are British citizens so adamantly loyal
To a royalty so arrogantly royal?

Those members born into their haughty society
Rarely, if ever, consider it proper propriety
To mingle with the British masses
The hard working lower and middle classes

Royalty snobs avidly avoid sipping their tea
With a class far below them, the British Cockney

I wonder what Ann Boleyns comments would be
About the double standards of British Royalty

by Stan Cooper...3/13/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 729 times
Written on 2012-03-19 at 13:35

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Pore unfortunate Ann Boleyn now headless
so can not pass any comment just now
She once asked about homecoming royal
She shrugged '' I'm undecided ''
So she toss a coin it came down tails
King ''enrey called heads
as history tells us

Besides the lot we got now aint English dont you know
They are is imported Germans from Hanover
Family name is they will always German to the likes of me
IS Saxe-Coburg-Gotha , what a mouthful I'm sure you agree
that family rather liked Hitler as many of there class did

They are not the true Royalty we should have by right
The family that should be living in Buck House
Live and work for a living in Australia I kid you not

This lot a load of inbreeds

I understand you Yanks kid of love 'em
You are most welcome to ''em
I'll pack 'em right off to you!

Ken ( D Williams )