"Unaccustomed To Public Speaking"

A dead giveaway
For a long boring speech on its way
Captive guests slink down and shrivel
Forced to hear the worthless drivel

The pleasantness of the occasion
Diluted by long-wordy abrasion
From the over-winded speech
That's usually beyond an over-reach

A simple toast
From a speechless host
Preferably concise
Would certainly suffice

by Stan Cooper...3/27/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 802 times
Written on 2012-03-30 at 14:29

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Takes me back to secondrey school. A local couseler came to give a speech. To my school and our parents , oh what a gas bag was he. Takde and talke and talkde again. Said abslutley drible. e old mum desided to have well a nap , as may did as I recal. The windbag went on and on about some restcue out at sea in the 19th cenchery. A ship callde The Indan Cheif was in truble on the Goodwin Sands . So what we all got to thinking. '' It was not us gove '' '' honest! '' . Well it was speech day after all sad and dun. Well it was to be the last we so our suffering was over , no more were we to suffer , any more gas bags!

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
I'll drink to that, Stan.