A Slippery Slope

Rash decisions
With no rational thought
Can cloud sunny visions
And cause much distraught

A dangerous course
This slippery slope
It can lead to remorse
With small cause for hope

Slippery slopes we best do without
They render visions, fuzz-ily shrouded
And cause well-being, beyond any doubt
To be slippery-sloper-ly clouded

by Stan Cooper...4/23/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 723 times
Written on 2012-04-27 at 17:44

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When we fall on our behinds from those slippery slopes all we can do is get back up, wipe off the seat of our pants, and promise ourselves that we'll be more diligent and watch out for that black ice next time.

Enjoyable verses from you, as always. Keep 'em coming.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When all the world is unbalanced just insure you have well padded cushion secured upon your but end!!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When all the world is unbalanced just insure you have well padded cushion secured upon your but end!!

ps Don is looking awfully smug.

I've been on a slippery slope or two, and appreciate this a lot. But your slippery slope, Stan, looks more like a Slip n Slide, and I say—enjoy the ride!