Who Knows

How long-ago is long-ago
How far-away is far-away
It's not surprising we don't know
We rarely know the time of day

For some of us, things just exist
'Cause we're intellectually lazy
The brainy effort sorely missed
Keeps our thinking hazy

Curiosity killed the cat
We'll surely never die like that

by Stan Cooper...4/19/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 840 times
Written on 2012-05-06 at 17:36

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Dearest Stan,

Your use of words and playfullness is brilliant. I always read your work. It is terse but to the point, like mine, keep on.


ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Tis not the likes of you and I
Who follow the crowed
Fore we try and always
Warn the crowed
They are running walking
As doped towards to the cliffs edge
The are with the problems not us
We are the voice of the past presant and the foutcher