I Wonder Why

Shadows disappear
When the sun waves goodbye
Those shadows reappear
When the sun returns up high
I wonder why

The wind we never see
It remains for us invisible
The moving leaves in trees
Is the way for us it's visible
I wonder why

Cats and dogs can act as friends
But friends they rarely are
They seem to give each other bends
So they're safer when afar
I wonder why

I've got this wonder-lust
That has me always questioning
It seems I'm too nonplussed
That keeps me too dead-reckoning
I wonder why
by Stan Cooper...5/24/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 768 times
Written on 2012-06-04 at 17:00

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Don has created something truly touching. Long live wonder-lust.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Wondering why? A qustan we should never stop asking. Why do we follow orders to kill some who in another time we would call friend. Stand a beer , laugh share a joke. I wonder why dont you? Were not aloude , I wonder why?!
Ken the wondering man.