Eating Lunch For Breakfast

Whenever the boy-child woke up late
Usually noon-ish
For breakfast, it was lunch he ate
Grown-ups thought him foolish

Adults don't understand how kids think
Though many are sure they do
But rarely are they with kids in sync
As few of them have a clue

Adult reality has them all fogged-up
Child-hood fantasies too far away
Their imagination is all clogged-up
Can't recapture their child-hood play

So lunch for breakfast is just for kids
Aren't children lucky?
No lunch for breakfast, God forbid!
That would be too yucky

by Stan Cooper...6/20/12 Graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 845 times
Written on 2012-06-29 at 16:21

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Well said, Stan. I agree with Liz. Nothing makes me happier than a menu which says, "Breakfast anytime." Must be an age thing. Kids look forward. Adults look back.

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
I like this as often I'll have breakfast for dinner
lol no like porridge on a freezing night to warm you up

A great write that i enjoyed reading

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Thus brunch came about , as a way to have the memory's thus we can not forget , that when were babys and teenagers , meals be served up on demand when we a woke thus how memory's remain