Democracy's Not For Sale

"Sail On Oh Ship Of State"
Don't sink in money-tides from Corporate-gate
Elections overly influenced by Super-Pacs
Allow no transparency of their bribing facts

TV ads try to sell and impress us
With distortion of facts that in truth should distress us
Democracy shouldn't be auctioned, so we had better consider
To never surrender our Ship to the highest bidder

Our Constitution demands leaders be chosen by citizen voters
Not by high-pressured money bribing promoters
We mustn't allow dollars to determine our fate
Democracy's not for sale... "Sail On Oh Ship Of State"

by Stan Cooper...6/21/12 Graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 716 times
Written on 2012-07-08 at 12:48

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God is dead, long live the Dollar.
If you pay me some, I will surely foller
To your land of milk and honey
Where the only sin is a lack of money
And equal born means haves have more
the petty poor kicked out the door
Democratic votes in any amount
Bought from the balance of your check account
You don't have cash? No problem my dears
Here's an eternal bill from our friends at Sears!

To rob the poor and pay the rich
I can only say "aint democracy a bitch!"

Thanks for getting my dander up lol VG write!

Our Democracy will undoubtable survive the rough waves, but I'm worried about Don, he doesn't look too good.

You have captured this so well Stan, money, truth, bribery. We do have to hold on to that democracy, so easy to lose.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Good one Stan. I began to respond to you your work. But well I got kind of cared a way some what as is my wont. So my response to your work is to be found in my story/poem:
Democracy What Is it good Fore?
Ken ( D Williams )