Language Anguish

Illogic in our English language
Cause logicians English anguish
The British seemed compelled
To create words unreasonably spelled

Why is "shoe" spelled "shoe" instead of "shoo"
Why the "e", I wish I knew
Why does "who" contain the "W"
When phonetically, "hoo" would do

We place too much relients
On all those British spelling tirents
Of examples, there are o sew menee
With each thought worth more than enee penee

This spelling conundrum, an awful nuisance
Phonetically an awful "noosense"
My concluzeun here that best be heeded
Logic in spelling is surely sorely needed

by Stan Cooper...7/11/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 740 times
Written on 2012-07-16 at 14:47

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dott Print text Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
hehehe... imagine what it's like in the French language :) Is there really any logic to grammar rules in any language, is what this makes me wonder after reading this :) Enjoyed this a lot... thanks *hugs* xx

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh fore the days wen us dislexic ralde the weld of the English way of werds . And spelt world of whe proper way to spell. That is as long as it works for us. As long as those he read wot we sade . Then all woz said woss understood proper like.
;) The word meser uparer Ken

Fantastic word play. I especially like the tongue-twisting second line. It's interesting to read Medieval authors like Chaucer, because there were very few spelling rules. Authors just kind of made it up as they went, so you get several variations of the same word. Variety is the spice of life. Shakespeare's name was spelled in many different ways in his time.
