Finally Repentant

When I was a lad
I was labeled "bad"
No one could control me
Now all grown up
I must own up
I hope they don't parole me

In jail I know I'll be well fed
No doubt I'll sleep each night in bed
Haven't stole a rhyme since my jail arrival
I've been locked away so have no clue
When out of jail, just what I'd do
To assure my out of jail survival

I've served my time
For my rhyming crime
I'm now totally repentant
But can't elate
Since my prison state
I'm now rhyming-ly dependent

by Stan Cooper...6/15/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 709 times
Written on 2012-07-20 at 13:08

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Tis no crime to have no rhyme
When waxing lyrical in prose
And the prisoner knows it's 8 beats to the bar
But does he care? No, I don't suppose

Nice One Mr Cooper :)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Tis sad , but it be a fact
An artist like a wordsmith
Such as us , suffers the slings
& arrows
Worn on the prison uniform
We where , maybe our quills
Will set us free