Poetic License


We know where to go for a driver’s license

That’s common knowledge, for sure

But, where to go for poetic license

Is knowledge that’s somewhat obscure


Is this license required when writing a poem?

Or may poetry be written without it?

It’s never needed when writing a tome

So what’s so important about it?


Writers who are poetry smitten

Claim poetic license to excuse

Poems they fear poorly written

Due to rhyming-verbal abuse


Poetic license is usually needed

Poems written without it are rare

Licensed, poets feel less impeded

And create with poetic flair


by Stan Cooper…5/27/12                             graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 761 times
Written on 2012-07-31 at 14:54

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Purple Phoenix
I haven't been on here for such a long time. I think I needed to have mine renewed. You always bring a smile to my face Stan. :)

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
I'm still using my learner's permit.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Once upon a time, so I have been told :-) My Grandmother decided to collect her irstwhile husband from the harbour. She put the keys into his car and after 10 or so minutes (she had never driven a car in her life) whereby the back and front were a little crumpled, she drove to the harbour. In those days, no license was needed - I think poetry is a little like that lol - I enjoyed - best not repeat what my grandfathers feelings were though :-)

Elle x

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well , dear , Stan , a poetic license. That we can print it our self's . And decide what is is , whats not is not , or just what ever what we write say's what we decide it say's. Some times it says what we had not written. Thas potical writeing that is. '' OK OK , I'll get me coat! ''. Grin