Grownup Party

He leaped up and down with childhood delight

‘Cause his mom said he could stay up late this night

A very special night for him it would be

Up late with grownups at a grownup party


One by one the adults came in

Some giving him playful chucks under his chin

Thrilled to be noticed, his face filled with glee

All he could utter was “WOW’ and “OH GEE”


Sat in his chair, feeling one with the group

Watched them drink what he knew was not soup

Chest puffed out, sipped soda from his glass

The happiness he felt could not be surpassed


The grandfather clock chimed as a warning

This party kid would soon be a yawning

From time with the grownups he fully recovered

But how he arrived in bed he never discovered


by Stan Cooper…7/16/12                       graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 700 times
Written on 2012-08-10 at 20:10

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
That STILL happens to me, and I've been one of the grown-ups for a long time now.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Are such memory's made , to look back and smile , and write about.
Ken D