Pulitzer Worthy


Joseph Pulitzer, we hereby advise

That you bestow your high achievement prize

On that creative journalist Brit

For his insightful headline, “Mitt the twit”


Mitt insulted the English with his usual know-it-all

Twittingly berated them with non-olympian folderol

He stated with typical Romney-ess arrogance

That Londoners couldn’t create Olympian ambiance



From Great Britain to Israel Mitt the Twit travelled

Where because of his twitty gaffes, the peace talks unraveled

He swooped down on all Arabs much like a vulture

With his know-nothing twits on all mid-eastern culture


We can be thankful that in his Poland visitation

No polish jokes were spouted in his twitty oration

Most of us would be grateful in The U.S. of A

If “Mitt the twit” over-seas would eternally stay


by Stan Cooper…8/6/12                 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 731 times
Written on 2012-08-14 at 16:13

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Hear his sat nav , he uese to find the john. OK , Stan I'll get me coat. ;)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
He's what a pair of boils on the big ends of humanity. I hear he needs a sat nev to cross the room!