Just Stooges


The Three Stooges..Larry, Curly & Mo

Were slapstick comics, a long time ago

The claim they were comics is a long stretch

To agree they were funny, I’d never allege


Michelle Bachman, Ann Coulter & Sarah Palin

Like those Three Stooges, keep audiences wailin’

They are not at all more than an aberration

In the current politics of our great nation


The Stooges three have now turned into six

Who won’t gain applause with their bag of tricks

What they’ve had to offer is at best just surly

Stooges Six, Mo, Michelle, Larry, Ann, Sarah & Curly


           by Stan Cooper…8/14/12                            graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 688 times
Written on 2012-08-19 at 18:30

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I can only but concur with Stan
True the original stooges were not
That funny I put it down American
Humor our humor dus allways traval
So well
They harmless fun
The stooges now on the world stage
As funny as The Joker
Daft as brushes as we Brits say
They are dangerous jokers
If they get in then The Joke will be on you us I fear , Stan
Posted rervant work on The Bay & on FB Should the wose hapon and some ones say's @ why diod no one worn me?'. Then Stan we can say '' WE DID''
Ken D