Leave Mars To The Martians

We managed to split the atom

For most of us, that’s hard to fathom

Brilliance like that, Is great to behold

Yet we can’t even cure the common cold


We’ve sent astronauts to the moon

No doubt we’ll be on Mars fairly soon

In no time at all we’ll have Mars going viral

For Martians a cold cure will become very vital


Who can imagine a Martian who’s sneezing?

Or even much worse, a Martian who’s wheezing

I present this suggestion, for whatever it’s worth

Leave Mars to the Martians, while we sneeze here on Earth


by Stan Cooper…8/15/12                                     graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 729 times
Written on 2012-08-24 at 16:05

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