with apologies to Messrs. Gilbert & Sullivan

I Am The Very Model (2)

I am the very model of a guy with high testosterone

That’s why the gals adore me and rarely let me lust alone

I’ve visited fogged out places like London’s foggy Waltham Cross

As a boxer I’m as lightweight as that lightweight champion Barney Ross



I never let things bother me, I’m far to wise to waste my time

One of many talents is my marvelous way of writing rhyme

Einstein’s theories I’m not awed by, they’re not at all too much for me

My scientific prowess is far beyond the bourgeoisie

A more charming personality, I most humbly admit to

Can’t be found amongst mere people, I most humbly submit to

Kings and Queens from regal nations are craving for my presence

They discern the royal stature of my effervescent essence

I keep our planet turning round, round around my axis

And under my able guidance, there are no a-round lapses

I’m sure you’ll all agree, everyone’s comparatively inferior

I am the very model of a guy who’s most humbly superior

by Stan Cooper…9/2/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 776 times
Written on 2012-09-07 at 12:29

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This guy's full of something, all right; could be testosterone.

You have such a way with words, Stan :-)