

If you’ve never been to Rockaway

You don’t know what you’ve missed

It was my childhood summers stay

A favorite on my favorites list


I tricycled the boardwalk

Swam through the highest waves

Creatively too busy for bored-talk

Constructing sand-beach caves


To this day I love to reminisce

Of fishing off that stretched-out pier

Why I never ever caught a fish

Still remains to me unclear


“Things don’t last forever”

Is what wise people say

They wouldn’t be so sure, however

If they’d summered-up in Rockaway


by Stan Cooper…9/19/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 777 times
Written on 2012-10-11 at 15:32

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Amy Valentina
Summers used to be such pleasant delights some years back... I recalled my summers when I was in school - swimming in the stream, eating mangoes, sleeping in the portico and watching the twinkling stars...
Loved every word of your muse...


Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
We would summer in chaussey or in sark and your poem brought happy memories back - never been to your shores but I will mingle them with my memories of happy places :-)

Elle x

John Ashleigh
A very charming and uplifting write, Stan. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Thankyou for sharing. *applaud*


Keep on rockin Stan, I may not have been there, but I feel I know a good memory when I see one. Have a few in my summers favourites list, of days gone by.