Universe's Work Of Art


Night-time approaches

Sun rays no longer in view

The moon encroaches

Lighting darkness anew


A perpetual cycle, day followed by night

Been that way since who knows when

We tend to view it with human delight

Convinced it will recur again and again


But might it end? We’ll never know

Finite minds can’t conceive its’ end or start

An astronomical incredible show

Universes mystical work of art


by Stan Cooper…7/2/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 743 times
Written on 2012-11-02 at 12:47

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John Ashleigh
I thoroughly enjoyed the cycle of nature presented in this poem. It is thought provoking and the rhyming is very well rehearsed. I really like it, Stan. Thankyou for sharing. *applaud*
