My Muse

My Muse has up and left

He’s gone somewhere, but where?

I’m unhappy and bereft

To have lost our rhyme affair


Without him I can’t write-ly cope

‘Cause he eggs me on to write

Some day he will return, I hope

And end my poem-ing blight


by Stan Cooper…10/25/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 725 times
Written on 2012-11-14 at 15:28

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Rob Graber
Sounds like he just DID (return, I mean)!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
You try the small ads colam , you will be surprised what you will find in 'em.
Ken ;)

Your muse is merely on a break. He/she'll never abandon you.
