Where Has Mr. Romney Gone


Where has Mister Romney gone

He's nowhere to be found

He hasn't lately blown his horn

Is he hiding under ground?

With so many homes, you know

He flips and flops between

Is he in The Caymans counting dough

In his daily counting routine?

Of Americans middle class

He never gave a farthing

And re the U.S. ethnic mass

He's certainly not their darling


He pandered to his Tea Party base

At pandering he's most efficient

The voters who saw his double face

Concluded presidentially he's not proficient

Most fair thinking Americans

Independent middle roaders

The liberal leaning Samaritans

Became anti-Romney voters

Historically he'll be just a bleep

Our good citizens saw to that

Of his losing, we sure won't weep

For as President, he'd fall flat 

by Stan Cooper...11/16/12          Graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 746 times
Written on 2012-11-30 at 15:11

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Let us count our blessing and hope he doesn't show up again like a case of recurrent gout.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Is it a space craft , is a cow , is it superman , circling the moon?
No it's Romney , any one remember him? No best forgot.
Ken ;){

Who? Do you mean the "Straw Dog" the ruling powers gave us so we would believe this is a demoracy?
Good piece.