Newtown Connecticut December 2012

Light and warmth of the Sun

Can’t break through

The dark heavy clouds

Of tears

Raining down

Since the massacre of

Twenty darling innocent children

At Sandy Hook Elementary school


In Newtown, Connecticut

It will never stop raining


by Stan Cooper…12/19/2012 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 872 times
Written on 2012-12-28 at 15:58

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Esti D-G
How sad. Stan you have described the indescribable.

They will never forget, never be without pain, but the sun will shine for them again, if only for scattered moments.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
It is indescribable the pain, all one can ask is Why? and why again and again - tragedy - my heart goes out to their families and friends.

Elle x

Call it mental illness, call it evil, call it unethical. There are some people who appear not to possess the empathy and humanity that most of us feel.

Moving ode to the fallen.


ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
It will not stop raining blood , tears will not wash way the blood being shed . In the name of the Right To Bear Arms , Gos bless the N R A , that reigns in the U S of A.
Ken D