

Options when too multiple

Will often cause confusion

Can make someone dysfunctional

When offered in profusion


A simple choice of this or that

Will cause problems rarely

Like, to go bareheaded or don a hat

A choice made cavalierly


But when life depends on what you choose

Choose options analytically

Try to find the choicest clues

The ones with most validity


by Stan Cooper…11/23/12                               graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1228 times
Written on 2013-01-17 at 13:43

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Hats off to that :) My life is full of all too many choices: a menu, choosing my specs, clothes, friends even, aah the list goes on and on, nicely put Stan.

There are at best eenie and meenie... yes or no,
then to help out minie and moe... maybe and I-don't-know.
Any more than that is just asking for woes and trouble.
Wonderful poem and a philosophy of life that guides us all. Thanks for sharing.