Common Sense


The great American patriot

Thomas Paine

In 1776

Elevated the concept of Common Sense

To the American culture


Common sense tells us reasonable gun control

Will not infringe upon the second amendment

Reasonably, if gun control saves just one life

It is more than worthwhile..It is imperative

Until then, we are all potential victims


It’s just plain good

Common Sense


The unfortunate truth…

Common Sense is most uncommon


by Stan Cooper….1/14/13                      graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1358 times
Written on 2013-01-20 at 12:32

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Thank you for this!

warm regards

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
We in Europe , mover on over the cenchres. Looking on to the U S A. It kinder like looking in to the mirror of time and history. IF we in the U K , and we had a constuchan. Would we be stuck in the past as the U S ,seams to be. We do not have comnstushan , as many think we have. A number of acks of Parliament , one on top of of each ack.
We have had gun crime out rages. Each time comensence prvaild , the laws have been titasnde up. Now we do not have gun clabs. Only air pistals and rifles. in time they to will be band , may that be soon. Before some one is shot or blinded. Common sence is what so needed.
Ken D

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Yep. Paranoia's always been more popular.

The balance of power in any situation is always seeking equilibrium. I suppose the U.S.A. version of democracy has always had this at heart. As for common sense, it is too uncommon to even matter in most scenarios. Sad, but true.

Some times it seems that sense (common or uncommon) is in short supply these days. And that the 2nd Amendment, like religious texts, is sometimes used to support questionable opinions. That portion of the US Constitution was put in primarily as it relates to the building of militias, armies, and navies. I don't think it mean that all of us have the right to run around on the streets with machines guns.

Excellent satirical poetry and graphics.
