apologies to Cole Porter for my use of the third and fourth line

The Man On The Moon

The man on the Moon, oh so alone

Way up there on that solar round stone

Night and Day, he is the one

Only he above the Earth and under the Sun


It’s a mystery we’d love to unravel

How he got there, from where did he travel

Why did he leave wherever he came from

No sense to ask him, since he remains mum


Did he leave his wife, if he was married

‘Cause married life kept him too harried

Or perhaps moon-shine sent him up high

But not to the Sun where he’d surely fry


Did his mom here on Earth

Have an immaculate birth

We Earthlings may never know

If his mom had a beau


Perhaps he had no choice or option

For his high-up Moon adoption

Sadly, the man on the Moon remains oh so alone

Way up there on that solar round stone


by Stan Cooper…12/9/12                        graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1231 times
Written on 2013-01-25 at 18:32

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Stan in a whimsical mood, love that line "for his high-up moon adoption."

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The man on the moon , were wed , deeply in love so he believed , is wife divorce him , came out of the blue , lawyers called in , the bill went up and up , cost were goner be both arm and legs so the man decided he's better run and hide , now he lives on the moon.

Ken D