This lyric can be sung to Gilbert & Sullivans “Modern Major General”
and once again...apologies to Messrs Gil & Sul
I Am The Very Model # 3
I am the very model of a modern Casanova
More nimble than Astaire, Gene Kelly and Pavlova
My I Q scores soar above the heights of brilliant-osity
I fight for what I know is right with tiger-ish ferocity
While standing upright I’m a perfect perpendicular
I’m not ever known as heartless as my beats are all ventricular
I don’t ever err in judgment, as I’m never ever gaff-able
To think I’ve poor sagacity is foolishly quite laughable
My speediness, much speedier than any champ Olympian
I’m superiorly more super than that icon guy named Superman
I’ll surely not be known as a second-rater also ran
As there’s no one, past or present, that I am not much better than
I’ve been accused of being very egoistic
My accusers can’t conceive, that I’m being realistic
I must submit what I’ve written is not a lot of jumble
To sum it up, let’s face it, you’ll never find me humble
by Stan Cooper…2/20/13 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 1268 times
Written on 2013-02-24 at 23:27
