apologies to my Catholic friends and readers....no offense intended


just a little cheek in tongue

Help Wanted


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Help Wanted

Position Available

The Vicar of Christ  upon earth…known as Pope

Job Qualifications

Only those that meet the following standards need apply:

1-must be multilingual…mandatory.. Latin, Italian, Spanish,

                                                                   English……(Yiddish not necessary)

2-must be practicing Catholic..Preferably Cardinal or Bishop

3-must be willing to relocate out of State to The Vatican

4-must be able to communicate directly with our Lord & Savior   

5-must be willing to practice celibacy

6-must have leadership qualities

7-This is not a white collar job…must be willing to wear gowns     and elaborate jewelry

8-must be willing to give audiences from time to time with members of your Catholic flock

Applicants can apply via e-mail, phone or fax

e-mail address….Vatican@potpourri.com

phone number….1-(800)vat-ican

fax number………1-(800)fax-pope

by Stan Cooper…2/26/13                           graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1188 times
Written on 2013-02-28 at 13:07

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Your job qualifications doesn't specify gender. I suggest a woman, not just any woman, but a woman that has had a family, faced reality in a real way, and understands changing nappies and coupon clipping as well as Latin. Knowing a little Yiddish wouldn't hurt. Oh, I hear the Prelates now—oy vey!

I am howling with laughter, especially at the contacts at the end, just what I needed, thank you both.