My Moms Famous Chicken Noodle Soup


She served her chicken soup most every day

The more snooty called it consommé`

The trick she used that made it super

Instead of hen she cooked a rooster


She added to the cock-a-doodle

Her special branded flock of noodle

She also added what some call won-ton

With care, she turned the burner on


This soup she cooked cured all ills

Was far superior than doctors pills

It’s made her famous from coast to coast

To mom and her roosters we give a toast


by Stan Cooper…3/26/2013                                         graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1245 times
Written on 2013-04-02 at 21:11

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I always love your stuff.
I'd love to have the Chicken Soup.


Commentally Ill
*toasts mom and her roosters* smart lady! putting the males in their proper place. bet even the human ones wouldn't want have wanted to run afowl of her.

Mazel Tov! Enjoy!