A builder friend of mine just completed a new kitchen. Knowing I wrote poetry a challenge was set. May wish he hadn't lol.

A devine kitchen

As he stepped through the door the old kitchen quiverred. Appliances knew they no longer delivered. The sink was so scaled without any luster. Just too many places for grease and grime to muster.


The units were desperate standing proud to attention but from this dark angel there was to be no redemption. Resistance is futile you are just too bland slicing the air angle grinder in hand.


What followed was carnage biblical in form all was asunder beneath the dust storm. A whirlwind of sparks tortured splinters abound the old kitchen no more raised to the ground.


The dust storm continued without any abate the customer concerned called to the builder's mate but little was heard the air was to thick just the sound of a grinder cutting deep to the quick.


What else could be done but have faith in this saviour deposits were paid no time for courage to waiver. Then when all had seemed lost the builder's haloed image appeared the angle grinder fail silent.


A new kitchen - without peer.


PS: I will add no animals were harmed in the making of the kitchen and it looked splendid indeed when finished.

Poetry by Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1007 times
Written on 2014-03-09 at 22:36

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F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
The builder friend sounds like a tornado :D but he did good work there looking at the picture of the finished kitchen. This made me chuckle... so, did he wish he hadn't set the challenge?

Nabeela Altaf
This poem is an enigma. I read it twice.

You have given us a perfect picture in your wonderful words of the transformation of an old kitchen to a brand new. You are very good visualizing with words. Very good work