Current Mood:  alright

Current Music:  ''Child's Play'' - Carcass


NOTE:  2005 05 04  02H42 EST  Close Your Eyes (Let's Laugh Instead) -

Close Your Eyes (Let's Laugh Instead)


- perspective:  his friends had an inkling that he was ill, but he didn't want to say that he would die from it... he left a letter for after his death explaining his reasons... my rendition of his words...


I haven't said to you, my friend,

That I’m on the last stretches.

And now my comfort is following

A similar path

'Cause I know you want to know.


But I saw the worry in

Your caring eyes

And fear like awful makeup was

Thick on your pained face.

I can’t forget when you

Saw my frail moment that time.


I know as time will go, you won't be able to miss

All of the signs that betray my paling complexion,

But what if I were to confirm your suspicions now?

Would it be possible for you to just look

Deeper than the surface, block out the obvious,

So that we can keep on laughing instead?


I've been pondering the question for a while

And still I don't see how helpful it'd be

To voice out the reality and rush forward

The powerless feelings.

I simply don’t want to waste

All possible good times that’re left.


I don’t mean to leave you alone to wonder

About questions better left unanswered now,

but I’m counting on you to understand

I'd rather we just toked and laughed instead

Like we've always done together.

This is how it should stay.


Deeply hoping forgiveness

Will come into your heart easily

Even though I’ve made the decision for you.

It's my belief that enjoying ourselves

Is a lot more important to do than

Worrying about when time will be over.


Not ever meant to hurt you

But all I can think at this time is

Close your eyes,

We’re together right now,

So, let’s just laugh instead.


Words by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1170 times
Written on 2014-05-29 at 20:41

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sad and a beautiful poem,
Death and separation the inevitable consequence, few pretty moments are all that defines us.


night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
A very touching and a very true poem I happen to know people that knew that they were going to die and they had the very same wish : )Thank you for writing this one and for sharing!

Nabeela Altaf
Very sad and wonderful at the same time. Indeed, we should not worry about the future, who knows what it'll bring? But enjoy the present.

This struck deep in my heart. The finality of death leaves such an empty place in the living. This is written with such love and compassion with the desire to alleviate the loss of the one left behind. Beautiful.

Ivan R
Not searching for the right words, just telling, and that comes first, and makes this a wonderful read.
This poet always writes well, and this one blew the top off,

" To voice out the reality and rush forward

The powerless feelings."

Such strong language and still feeling so much love ...
what a good poem this is.

An exceptional piece, it has such "a voice" I particularly enjoyed the fourth stanza, very articulate.

Chaucer Whethers
This is wonderfully good writing that I enjoyed reading a lot.
Although some of the theme was sad, there is also an uplifting note to the story, such is life eh.
One question.

"I'd rather we just toked and laughed instead."

In English 'toked' is slang for having enjoyed a 'medicinal smoke'

So it works in the line, yet I was wondering in you had intended to use 'joked and laughed' ?
