mark rothko

for a ghost





you're pulling a lot of strings


that's what ghosts do

play on one's imagination

you're my first

why is it 

that i can feel your waist

and nothing else

are ghosts sort of there


in what they reveal


it's an involuntary

ghosty thing




if i come 

you'll corporate, ja



turn into something i can touch


if vaporish

is the state of being you prefer

i think i'll stay home

though, now that i think about it

to be loved by a ghost

may offer

unimaginably wispy










Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 892 times
Written on 2015-09-10 at 23:03

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Ghost of Heino
lucky lucky waist

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Ghost love. How interesting. It might be like that erotic style where you are before each other naked and only almost touching. I forget what it is called. I wonder why only the waist becomes known. And Rothko was a good choice. All those color contrasts are like different worlds. Nice.

This brings so many images to my mind:
A ghost pulling strings says much;
it's an involuntary thing;
revealing only what it wants ... the waist;
whether to have it materialize ... or not;
and what it's less like to be loved by a ghost.
To me it's whimsical and profound at the same time.
I enjoyed the read.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
And you may find that to be very frustrating.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
william, i apologize for losing your comment. i made an edit, and the poem vanished. fortunately i had a copy, but it was a nice comment, thank you.