The Queen in FaerieLand

The princeless princess walked out into FaerieLand...
Well, she fancied herself a princess;
She was really a kingless queen
With two young princes
And an entire kingdom to manage
(Or queendom, rather.)
Skipping over stones and kicking fallen leaves
She entered FaerieLand
For the peace and magic that could be found there;
She breathed the pine scented air
And watched the water shimmer in the ponds
And was serene and still;
And, sensing a minuscule prick of loneliness
Imagined for a moment
That she lacked only a companion to share this with.
But only for a moment.
Because kingless queens have wrought great things
And sometimes
The only way for a queen
To be in charge of her destiny
Is to be kingless.

Poetry by Nancy Sikora
Read 1074 times
Written on 2015-11-03 at 01:47

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Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
This made me chuckle. I loved the setting and the 'skipping' pace. Not sure if Queenless Kings would be quite so resolved. Wonder what Henry VIII of England would say?! Peter

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
A wonderful tale. I suppose it is the same for kings without a consort :) Well written your majesty (genuflects ungracefully) :)

Chaucer Whethers
Calming effect from this one.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
better two young princes than one lunkheaded king. imho.