Based on a picture of my son that reminds me of a Waterhouse painting.


The Boy With the Waterhouse Hair

You light up the world,

My angel boy,

My boy with the Waterhouse hair—

Gleaming golden curls,

Clear blue eyes,

Patrician nose;

Your clothes disheveled;

Lazy unmatched colors;

Dirty green shoes

In Nature’s green glow.

Your beauty shines bright—

The sea nymph Undine,

If she were a boy,

Could never compare

To my angel boy

My boy with the Waterhouse hair.



Poetry by Nancy Sikora
Read 815 times
Written on 2015-12-18 at 17:55

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
i looked at the waterhouse painting, it wasn't what i was expecting! to see your beautiful boy in the painting was so sweet, and the poem itself is equally sweet and dear.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
What a lovely poem and sentiment, thank you I enjoyed reading and love the picture

Elle x

A beautiful, perfect poem. :)