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Richardfrom Sweden |
Archive - October - 2006
Lost upon the oceans of your blue eyes (5) - 2006-10-02
The secret of the children - (For Astri) (2) - 2006-10-02
Loveable girl - (For Soelvi) (1) - 2006-10-06
Maryse, 21 - 2006-10-05
Feel your way (1) - 2006-10-05
Sunshine doesn't always take the clouds away - 2006-10-07
Misty you (1) - 2006-10-10
I wish (2) - 2006-10-07
If I only could.... (3) - 2006-10-08
Wish you all were here - 2006-10-22
Anne Georgina Bendall (2) - 2006-10-22
Closing in... (2) - 2006-10-23