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Member since 2005-09-23
Has written 46 comments

Has received 264 applauds


from UK

MY TEXTS, Archive 125 Texts

Rush Hour (3) - 2016-01-06
HNY (4) - 2015-12-31
Time Out (2) - 2015-12-28
Christmas is Coming (2) - 2015-12-23
A Seventh Day Adventure (2) - 2015-12-19
Roll Over (4) - 2015-12-18
Whats the Martyr ? (2) - 2015-12-17
Risky Biscuit (4) - 2015-12-17
Don`t Go Riding (3) - 2015-12-14
Soldier (4) - 2015-12-12
This is it. (4) - 2015-12-10
False Start (2) - 2015-12-09
Date with Fate (3) - 2015-12-02
My Best Friend (1) - 2015-11-30
Keyboard Warrior (6) - 2015-11-29
Robin Rose (6) - 2015-11-27
Waving at the departed (2) - 2015-11-17
Why We Cry (5) - 2015-11-15
Remembrance (3) - 2015-11-08
Snap (3) - 2015-11-08

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