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Fix you (2) Inspired 2024-02-07
Kintsugi (4) Purple Puddles 2021-07-14
It's not you, it's me Inspired 2020-09-24
CONGRATULATIONS France England 2013-03-05
Longing (9) amandeep 2010-11-23
Before you lied to mepic Richard 2010-04-08
So Long (3) Sparks 2009-11-05
On the Road Agiain Courtney Marie Marion 2009-09-06
The Lost Moonlight (1) Eva 2009-07-07
She's broken. (2) Marie 2007-08-25
The Depths (1) Parnika 2007-02-05
true love? ? ? (3) amy-leigh 2007-01-06
I see the end of all days (3) Bob 2006-10-04
my true love (3) evony jane 2006-09-27
Some kind of salvation Liv Sol Möller 2006-09-26
Fix Me (3) Adrienne 2006-09-15
Broken Hearts kayla 2006-08-07
my heart amy-leigh 2006-07-28
lost you amy-leigh 2006-07-28
the key amy-leigh 2006-07-28

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