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Burden of the Light (2) Telesforos 2006-05-20
A light Burden (1) Telesforos 2006-05-17
Thinking (4) Rhia 2006-05-15
Heart (3) IronicBanana 2006-05-14
Dark Gardens (2) Telesforos 2006-05-09
What Is Left. (2) Ian 2006-05-04
Standing on the verge (2) Telesforos 2006-03-18
Sans titre (1) Telesforos 2006-03-18
Le poids de mon coeur Telesforos 2006-03-18
For you to be mine... (3) Peter 2006-03-06
Beat On (5) IronicBanana 2006-03-04
A Loveletter In Blood (2) Christabel 2006-02-26
untitled (1) Jen 2006-02-22
My heart (2) Hamzah Khan 2006-02-05
Do you know just how much. (2) penfold18 2006-01-17
Open My Heart. (4) penfold18 2006-01-06
My Body (3) Steven Flood 2005-12-30
Some Say (1) Hamzah Khan 2005-12-03
The Heart of Fear Alexander 2005-11-17
Eye's (1) otteri selvakumar 2005-11-04

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