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The Fourth Tal¿a 2006-12-22
Prairie Life (3) muddy waters 2006-11-06
Thankyou Tal¿a 2006-10-03
The Meisterstück (1) Steve Hagget 2006-10-01
i Am @ poEt (3) gemma 2006-10-01
introducing myself (3) sania 2006-09-07
Construction in Progress Caila Ihle 2006-09-07
Word Vessel (1) Caila Ihle 2006-07-28
Poetry: My Heart, My Soul, My Voice (7) Catherine Stout 2006-07-23
more like a parody (3) andrea 2006-06-25
Paper (3) IronicBanana 2006-06-01
To the radio (3) Bob 2006-04-05
the perfect flower (1) Ian 2006-02-22
Untitled (2) Bekim Rauseo 2006-02-18
A VIST TO EDGAR'S GRAVE ramona thompson 2006-02-15
Addicted(To Poetbay) (8) in'kwa 2006-02-01
Journey of Life (3) Shayak Chakraborty 2005-12-11
Who are you (2) Albert 2005-11-26
Miss! Miss! Esti D-G 2005-10-28

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