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A Special Kind of Love (1) Purple Puddles 2018-01-31
Laugh to Live (2) Farag M. Afify 2014-07-18
Reveal Yourself Zalan 2014-02-07
My Smile's Alive (6) StillHoppin 2013-04-04
Wonder Of Unexpectant[Haiku] (5) liz munro 2010-09-21
summer (senryu)pic Jer 2009-07-01
Smile... (3) Caprice 2009-04-11
Mellow Love (6) TonyD 2009-04-09
A Warming Frown (2) TonyD 2009-03-04
Every single tear EMITSTI 2007-11-29
I watched you on TV (1) EMITSTI 2007-09-20
Sleep Darling Smile Inspired 2007-09-15
:) Parnika 2007-02-02
The wish for a smile : ) (1) syer 2007-01-09
It doesn't cost a thing to smile! (7) Saga 2006-10-15
Thinking (4) Rhia 2006-05-15
His smile (2) Rhia 2006-04-20
Don't fear the reaper (1) Sebastian_ 2006-03-10
Quote (2) Jen 2006-02-22
Earth smile (1) otteri selvakumar 2005-11-04