*Inhale* *exhale* Its always good when I come back to Poetbay, so much of my poetry start is infused with this place. Here is a poem titles "The Autumn Gate" written for the painting with the same namesake by Thomas Kinkade

The Autumn Gate

The light casted on the old wooden gate
Was a reminder to the life I had
Two score and five years ago
With my mother and my dad
They were my inspiration
A light in the darkening storm
When they passed away that autumn day
Not even the sun could keep me warm
I go back to my house by the sea
To remember my childhood notion
Each step through the empty house
Filled my heart with emotion
The leaves fell off the trees
And gathered by the gate
Which had our family name
"The Prestigious Robinson Estate"
Nothing in this world can return
The feelings held in the past
The gate I passed on the way out
Is a memory that will always last

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1363 times
Written on 2017-02-20 at 08:22

Tags Autumn  Gate  Family 

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