sometimes after a bitter experience ,we try our best to overcome pains and hard feelings with great courage but suddenly something comes from the present related to the past to destroy all immunity and makes us recall all that.

4) Your Rose

As I was searching in my stuff
I saw the flower you gave it to me once
I didn't believe it would survive
After it lost the touch
And many things that one day meant much
I smelled it but it wasn't good
Its aroma was absent as many of love's oaths
I wanted to throw it away
To get rid even of memories it did evoke
But I looked at it and felt sorry
Sorry to the extent that made cry
For no matter how badly tried
You were always there
Behind walls
Amid thoughts
In the remains of a rose
Or behind different bars
That my brain and heart did build but later they crushed
When I saw your flower in the past hour
And how dry it turned
Yet there was a secret that made it live
There was a voice in her silent petals
That my longing alone was hearing
There were hands in her rot roots
That only the hand of times could explain
And there was a strange strength in her stems
That my fingers passionately stroke
Which made me return it back to the book
Keeping it as a signal of something broke

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1245 times
Written on 2006-06-16 at 16:52

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Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
at the end of this poem you call the rose "her" . It made me see you as this rose , a part of you so alive and blooming for those moments and now only a dry shadow of the same moments . Still these memories are so much part of you and you want and must keep them .
A beautiful poem . You write softly but with feelings turning into vivid images . As you look at this rose life returns to it , as your memories does before the reader . Bravo .
2006-09-15 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
an object, a scent, a place, a season... so many things can bring back to mind memories of a time we cherished... emotions flooding back at rediscovering the rose - could feel its effect... almost feels like a spell of sorts when we have moments like that... i can relate... though intermingled with joy and sorrow, this is a beautiful expression of reminiscence... ... :f xx

Ahhh yes my dear Amanda ... Yes . Whether it be arose , a letter , a token of love , 1 cannot forget those times we remember . We do place it back between the sheets , or is it between our hearts ..... mmmmm I wonder . Well done ! G