A very modest first submission; but one that sums up what some may consider to be the real meaning of Christmas, where the spirit is in more than a bottle



Hodie Christus natus est
(Christ is born today)

All hail this beauteous morn;
for upon this day, we say our
Saviour, Jesus Christ is born.
We feel his new-born light,
that cancels our long night;
out of the dark comes the day
to where the child now lays,
and whose miraculous birth
brings Heaven down to Earth.

And Hail the Blessed Virgin,
so full now of God’s Grace;
whence Spirit and maid met,
the Word becomes manifest,
without the least disgrace.
Now she holds her baby child,
tucking in his blanket fold,
her mother’s breast, now lent
to his eager questing face.

Joy to the World, as we praise,
Heaven and Earth are in accord;
since God did speak one word,
and that Word has now been born
as mortal flesh – in this barn;
now in a cradle sleeping, while
angels descend and shepherds arise,
come to worship – to look and see,
the Christmas wonder of eternity

© D G Moody 2021

Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 319 times
Written on 2021-12-23 at 16:43

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Lovingly crafted, and gentle. The world needs more gentleness.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Nice to see you on PoetBay Monsieur Moody, and what an appropriate poem for this time of the year.