A revised earlier poem. Sleepout is an outside bedroom built on to a veranda. Iron roof is the corrugated steel used in traditional houses; it cools quickly after the heat.

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Rain on Red Earth

Outback Australia

I hear the screen door slam, so
The cats out for the night while
In the sleepout I lie on my bed,
the fan syruping the limpid air.
I tap and smoke a Chesterfield;
As the house creeks and contracts
While the night is velvet with moths
Batting unseeing against fly screens

Then a hint of cooler air, bringing
With it an elusive damp scent as
Rumbles of thunder come close to
Herald the arrival - the smell of rain,
To stir the dust of our red dry earth;
Starting first as a soft patter upon
The iron roof, then drumming like
thunder becoming faster and faster.

Rods of bouncing dancing rain to
Call me to stub out and come out
To stand and breath the sweet smell
Of fresh rain mingling with the earth,
Coming again to bless and refresh us.
I shed my sweaty singlet and shorts
To stand naked in cool rain soaking
My skin and I laugh just to be in it.

D G Moody 2025

Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 33 times
Written on 2025-03-22 at 17:56

Tags Nature  Nostalgia 

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I'm with Lawrence on this one, Dougie. Fabulously descriptive. There's so much to say about this, but "the fan syruping the limpid air" and "the night velvet with moths" stand out in my mind. Blessings, Allen

very good

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is wonderfully descriptive. You put me there.