In 1944 an allied reconnaissance flight took a series of photographs
over Auschwitz, while also photographing the nearby factory complex at Monowitz. It was only years later that it was discovered that these pictures were of the extermination camp, duri

Auschwitz from the Air

Flying so high on
the roof of the sky,
firing his cameras
that shall never lie.

Opening a window
on what is below on
the rich Polish earth,
enriched with death.

Levers of light exposing
an artifice of straight lines:
chambers of easy disposing,
for the countless human lives.

This Industrial scale murder,
planned in the minds of men;
rushing to finish their work
before their final surrender.

Over four hundred thousand
murdered in this final frenzy.
There could be no rhyme
to encompass this crime

© D G Moody 2022
(Image courtesy of Yad Vashem)

Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 346 times
Written on 2022-01-27 at 15:52

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
This disgusting place is I believe still open to the public.
Monty python's team had just arrived in Germany,
They were whisked away by coach to Auschwitz,
Even though they didn't want to go there.
When they got there it was closing,
One of the Monty Python's team called out,
"But you've got to let us in we're Jewish".
Never less They did get a tour.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Where I live, people experienced the wrath of the gestapo as they retreated. They have a saying: "We have forgiven, but will not forget"... it is engraved on a memorial to those who died. Your poem ensures these things will never be forgotten.