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We know when Spring arrives; the Swifts and Swalows return; and let us hope for renewel.


Swirling high in the blue sky

their yachting wings bringing

them across Africa and Spain;

Swifts will soon be returning;

homing back to our village again.

Then I can only crane my neck

to follow them as aloof they fly –

low and high, quartering the sky.

They cannot share their world;

any love for them is always vain,

all they care for are bugs and air.

I can only watch while they soar,

leaving me below – lost in awe.


                                    © D G Moody 2022









Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 329 times
Written on 2022-02-20 at 18:01

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I wish I could speak bird and find out all their stories from their travels

D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Thanks Alan and Allen

We are fortunate in living close to a big nature reserve and river, so we benefit from a wide variety of birds. This poem was originally about Swallows, but we got involved in making Swift boxes, so it is about them now.


Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo dougie.
It's nice to watch our feathered friends

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Nice one, Dougie.
It is funny, because yesterday I thought of you (from a previous conversation) as the Geese arrived back to our area in their great 'V' formation above us: Thousands of them chattering in the sky as they gradually flew lower and lower. By the time the right-hand tail end was nearly over us I felt that I could almost have reached up and touched them. Not true of course, but they were so low I might have done atop my large three-section ladder.
It is a lovely poem, and it reflects how my wife and I felt looking up at the geese. As we walked indoors after they had all passed over, my wife said, "Bless them! They have travelled so far."
I concur with you, we can only watch in awe - and love them for the way they enrich our lives.

D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Thanks Afrodite

This was an old poem revised - previously Swallows; but I find Swifts more interesting

This is so beautiful.Loved it!!!