The Stations of The Cross - Ninth Station
Jesus meets the women of JerusalemLuke 23: 27-31
Further along he sees women wailing,
The same knot of paid mourners had been in
The house of Jarius – to lament his dying
Daughter. He had evicted them, before going
To where she lay and called her back to life.
He cannot be fooled by their plastic tears,
Shed for those about to be crucified.
He halts, looks down the tunnel of the years.
“Don’t cry for me”, he gasps, “cry for yourselves
Daughters of Jerusalem, cry for your
Children, for the times I pity to see.
When they will say, lucky are the women
Who never gave birth when they will implore
The hills to hide them in that time of war”.
They look askance, how could it be, that he,
A condemned wretch, should take pity on them?
They do not understand who it is they see.
They imagine they are doing him a favour,
So will not see their tears as hypocrisy.
He wants nothing to do with appearances.
Jesus is not looking for sympathy.
He is carrying a very real burden
Up this hill. He just wants to be received,
He is carrying the sin of them all.
Image from Wikimedia Commons
© D G Moody 2023
Poetry by D G Moody

Read 280 times
Written on 2023-04-10 at 07:33