The Stations of The Cross - Eleventh Station

Jesus promises the Kingdom to the penitent thief

Luke 23: 39-43

He hangs now, broken and abandoned on the cross
He slowly lifts his head; words have been said.
To find more air – pushes down on his rest.
Two other men – condemned, their lungs appressed,
Must follow suit, each breath delaying death.
Through the pain, the voice gasps again:

“Hey carpenter!
I you’re the Messiah,
Prove it!
Get off the cross
And save us.”

Turning his head, he can see the poor wretch,
Hanging like he, and more afraid to die.
He discerns the hostility as futility.
Hi way of coping is through enmity,
The man must have someone he can vilify,
In reply, another voice now decries:

“Leave him alone, can’t you see,
He’s not like you and me,
Condemned, for our guilt.
He’s done nothing wrong,
To be treated so ill.
Rabbi, remember me,
When you come
Into your Kingdom”.

He turns, to find the second thief, a man
About to die yet finding sympathy.
He knows the thief’s words are said to ease
His pain. He cannot know his Fathers plan,
Yet his empathy serves to Glorify,
What must happen; with this,
Jesus finds peace. He replies:

“Truly, I tell you,
Today, you will
Be with me,
In Paradise”.

© D G Moody 2023

Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 271 times
Written on 2023-04-11 at 11:01

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Thanks Allen, your thoughtful comments are appreciated. I should also make it clear that this whole series is my own interpretation via the traditional format for a 'Stations of The Cross' , and it is not intended as credo of my own beliefs. In that sense it has it's own rules and these should not be diverted from.
I can also appreciate why it will not be to many peoples tastes.

Blessings form me......Dougie

p.s. Images are back, I'd omitted to renew my subscription as a supporter.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
You say, I'm well aware of our now living in a post religious society for many...' but that doesn't stop the reader appreciating the skill of word placement and earnest endeavour. All I know is that your heart and mind are earnest and true, and though in variance with my ideology of "42", the divergence is not ever abrasive. Well done my friend. B&L, Allen