The Stations of The Cross - Fifteenth Station

Jesus risen from the dead.

Mark 16: 4 - 8

Gathered in the gloom,
Of the cold upper room,
The disciples in despair,
The women more resigned,
Getting ready to prepare,
A return to his tomb.

They left the men asleep before first light.
While hurrying, the earth shook with a tremor,
Bringing the sound of cries and rushing feet,
As the guards sped past with faces of terror.
At the tomb, they found the stone rolled aside.
When they looked in, his body had disappeared.

Then an angel appeared,
And calming their fears,
Told them Jesus had risen.
Now they must go,
And let the others know,
He has broken deaths prison.

When they were roused, they couldn’t at first believe,
None more than Peter and John, who now ran
To the tomb, hoping to disbelief their grief.
Arriving, they found his discarded linen,
‘And so, it’s true, it’s true, He Has Risen!’
Following on, Mary Magdalene had come.

Her love still clings to him,
But he has now gone away,
Though she wants him to stay.
And is that such a sin
Her devotion to Him?
Then she hears his voice!


She turns, and sees him there, impossible
But true. He stands as he always will,
Certainly, a man, but now more than that,
His Godhead shining through, so that
When she clings to him, he must release
Her mortal flesh from his:

Dear Mary, listen to me,
You must now go to them.
Tell them I will go ahead
And will see them all,
When we meet again,
By the sea of Galilee.

Image courtesy of the Church of England

© D G Moody 2023

Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 283 times
Written on 2023-04-13 at 19:16

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