I was given this by someone who is doing the day to day effort of climbing Mount Everest, just in their care for an ancient mother and a husband with frontal lobe dementia.

Glad for the Glass

He asked her,
“Are you a glass half full
Or are you
A glass half empty?”
“Well,” she replied –
“I’m just glad for the glass!”

D G Moody 2023

Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 199 times
Written on 2023-07-16 at 18:33

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
As I took out an upturned glass,
I said to carol, This glass is stupid
there's no hole in the top.
No she said but there's one in the bottom.
Oh that explains why there's no hole in the top,
My beer would run out....